Dale O'Brien, age 69, is a professional astrologer and Certified Astro*Carto*Graphy Interpreter who has been in full time practice since 1991. He began his study of astrology in 1969. Nature was and is his first and greatest astrology teacher. Hence, his approach to astrological understanding is based on the Elements and Seasons of Nature (not abstract key words). He also integrates into astrology the Greco-Roman mythology of the Gods and Goddesses.
In addition to his individual client work (over the phone), Dale has presented experientially and conventionally at local, national and international astrology gatherings. His astrological writings have appeared in THE MOUNTAIN ASTROLOGER magazine, in From Here to There (An Astrologers Guide to AstroMapping) and elsewhere. Dale also shares his astrological perspectives via his free e-newsletter Astrologys Minority Report and in YouTube videos, such as eclipse paths of 2017 and 2024 eclipses, Meeting Neptune at Neptune Beach, etc.
USA Paradigms of Fear: From Valley Forge to 9/11 to Spring 2020
OBR1005Product Details
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Lunar North Node Returns to 2+ degrees of Cancer show U.S. leaders in new crisis and the American people again living with a new fear, the nation’s 14th. Using a chart for the USA set for 11:18 a.m. LMT, Philadelphia, July 4, 1776, we find ourselves dealing with a "that changes everything" new fear starting in Spring 2020. Previously, Mean North Node was 2+ on 9/11/2001.It is interesting to look back at other such paradigms of fear in U.S. history, such as the Red Scare post WW II. Now, near the end of the American Empire, it is time to investigate "What’s Goin' On" as Marvin Gaye asked.Look and listen in ― unless you are afraid to do your own thinking. -
Length: 2 hours 8 minutes
Handouts: 33
MP3 File Count: 3
MP4 File Count: 3Sponsoring Organization: NCGR San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
Date of Talk: 11/18/2021
Location: Cyberspace via Eugene, Oregon