Eve J. Mendoza became a serious student of Astrology over 20 years ago. In 1994, she met her first teacher who led her to the feet of Jyotish Shastra(more commonly known as Vedic Astrology.) She continued her studies in India where she devoted the next 10 years to serving her teacher and assisting in the every day maintenance of a Charitable Trust.
Eve has also been instructed in the art of Mantra as well as Ayurveda (the ancient Indian medical system). She returned from India in 2010 and has been offering readings ever since at the request of her teacher.
Muhurta and Nakshatra Yogas in Individual and Collective Horoscopy

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"There is no better boat than a horoscope to help one cross the sea of life." ~ Sri Varahamihira
Muhurta and Nakshatra Yogas can be found throughout a variety of Jyotish Shastras, specifically in advanced exploration of Panchanga (Panchangam) expressing the importance of each single detailed unit of time and its imprint on the commencement of activities from the mundane to the more significant. Some of these special Yogas (combinations) can even signify qualities of our birth and destiny, such as Mantreshwara's mention of Shukra (Venus) in Ashwini Nakshatra in the Lagna, Mesha rising in the East (Mesha lagna) aspected by (any) three Grahas denotes "a victorious King"
Many of the popular Yogas we learn are based on Graha, Rashi and Bhava combinations, their Dasha dependency or lack of, or we look towards Tithi Yogas. These are all important features of the diverse rhythms and qualifying divisions of the individual "time-person" within each of us. Yet, rarer seems to be the consideration of other combinations such as Nakshatra (including Tarabala) and even the simplest detail, Vara (weekday). There are many Nakshatra Yogas based simply off of Vara and Nakshatra compatibility (Moon Nakshatra with weekday typically).
There are also combinations read from the Moon crossing the Yogatara of a Nakshatra and whether the Moon covers, aligns with or is at an angled-direction off of the ecliptic of that Yogatara. (These visual examinations of the Moon, i.e. whether the Moon is south-west of Rohini, will require actual observation of the sky and an astronomy program to simulate the sky if looking at a past date.) We find importance of these omens in predictions for the masses regarding the abundance of the Earth, natural resources and weather with specifically Rohini, Swati and the Ashadha Nakshatra pair.
Let's dive deep into both the personal and collective attributes of these unique combinations, their potency and relevance in our lives. Learning these subtleties enhances our ability to appreciate our rhythm in the greater dance of Kalapurusha and enter a more intimate realm with Jyotish.
Length: 5 hours 58 minutes
Handouts: 57
MP3 File Count: 6
MP4 File Count: 6Sponsoring Organization: Sedona Vedic Astrology, LLC
Date of Talk: 11/21/2020
Location: Virtual via Zoom