Michael Feist is one of the seven founders of the International Uranian Fellowship (IUF) in 2007. He presented at IUF-conferences in Hamburg, New York, Bangkok and Istanbul. He also spoke on Uranian Astrology at UAC 2012 in New Orleans and IAD 2015 in Bangkok. Michael Feists personal astrological teachers were Ludwig Rudolphs widow Emma and his son Udo.
Since the early 1990s, Michaels been the Editor of the astrological Journal Hamburger Hefte (est. 1960) and in 2005 he became owner of the Witte-Verlag Publishing House, which was established by Ludwig Rudolph in 1927. Witte-Verlag is the main source for Uranian Astrology publications since the early beginning and, by the way is the oldest existing astrological Publishing House in Germany today.
Lexicon for Planetary Pictures: A Key to Uranian Astrology

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LEXICON FOR PLANETARY PICTURESSOFTCOVER AVAILABLE NOWShipping to U.S. Locations Only. (For International locations a second invoice to cover shipping costs from the United States will be sent before your order is processed. Additional Customs charges may also apply.)International orders: Please order directly from Michael Feist in Germany at webpage: https://witte-verlag.com/international-books/english/86-lexicon-for-planetary-pictures-a-key-to-uranian-astrology.htmlFirst Official English Edition 2021Witte-Verlag Pub., Hamburg, Germany
2021, 484 pagesSoftcoverISBN 978-3-920807-49-2The introduction of planetary pictures into astrology made it possible to examine horoscope charts in a scientific way. This new approach was an eye opener for many astrologers, and the planetary pictures have since then been confirmed in every definition over the years and have withstood the test of time. The expanded rulebook which is in use today, still contains interpretations from this earlier time. This confirms the theory of planetary pictures as a permanent application, based on the research work over several decades. It validates the value of the extensive research work contributed by the followers of the Hamburg School.When examining horoscopes, there are two approaches that can be taken. Either the horoscope is examined on easily detectable structures within the chart, or the horoscope is specifically evaluated for a certain question. When using the first approach, the rulebook provides the preferred support for the astrologer, whereas when using the second approach, the lexicon is the preferred solution. In short, the rulebook is an inspiration to find possible wording of a discovered planetary picture, whereas the lexicon is a support for tracking down the unknown position of a planetary picture, that reveals information about a certain question.Starting with the second edition of the German rulebook (1932), a word index was added to the rulebook, which referred the user to the pages where the words appeared in the rulebook. One had to find the entry in the index list and then move to the correct page to search the entry again. At the start of second period (1946), this index was discarded for the fourth edition, because entries had doubled in size due to five additional factors. The previous index had become ineffective for these larger text entries. In 1957, Ludwig Rudolph published the first lexicon by Ilse Schnitzler, which was a solution to this problem. The new lexicon presented here was compiled according to this model.In preparation for this compilation, almost 20,000 individual entries of the rulebook were identified and analyzed. In the next step, nearly 50,000 specific entries were assigned to 3,200 individual index words to complete the work. -
Length: 484 pages