John Frawley is the author of The Real Astrology, Winner of the Spica Award: International Book of the Year, 2001, The Real Astrology Applied, The Horary Textbook, Sports Astrology and the magazine for traditional astrology The Astrologer's Apprentice. He teaches students from all over the world and lectures from Brisbane to Budapest. John is one of the few contemporary practitioners of the "Real Astrology". His method of teaching is distinct by it's straightness, clarity, practical applicability and last but not least by his special sense of humor. One actually doesn't have to say too much about this expert astrologer!
Day 1: Traditional Natal Astrology Day 2: Understanding the Fixed Stars

Product Details
Additional Information
Complete two day weekend workshop presented in San Francisco on Feburary 25th and 26th 2006. See individual descriptions of FRA1004 and FRA1005 for details. The CD version includes a Supplemental Materials CD with 33 handouts in Adobe pdf format. Nearly 8 hours of material, clearly recorded. -
Length: 7 hours 51 minutes
Handouts: 33
MP3 File Count: 6Sponsoring Organization: San Francisco Bay Area NCGR Chapter
Date of Talk: 2/25/2006 - 2/26/2006
Location: San Francisco, CA